4 Ways to Treat Psoriasis

4 Ways to Treat Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a skin condition characterized by severe shedding of the skin. Skin has a certain average rate of shedding but with psoriasis, skin tends to shed out of control.

There is no cure for psoriasis. The types of treatment available depend on the severity of your condition and the symptoms you have.

There are three types of psoriasis treatments.

1. Try Topical Treatments

First are topical treatments that are applied over the skin such as creams, ointments and lotions.

This kind of treatment contains ingredients that soothe the skin, reduce dryness and improve the overall condition of the skin when used regularly.

Topical treatments need to be applied at least twice a day liberally over the affected area.

2. Try Phototherapy

The next technique for treating psoriasis is to use phototherapy. With phototherapy, the affected area is exposed to particular types of ultraviolet light.

Light penetrates the skin and dissolves pigments that cause the skin to continuously shed. This treatment is done using natural sunlight or the use of machines that mimic natural light.

The patient needs to stay under the sun or light source at least 30 minutes each day, depending on the severity of the condition. This should be done daily to ensure success.

3. Systemic Agents (drugs/medication)

When psoriasis is generalized or it has affected a large area of the body, the most convenient way to administer medication is using a systemic approach. This could be oral or injected medications that are meant to work throughout the body.

This method is one of the most widely used and has been very successful in the control of psoriasis symptoms. There is also no need to apply topical agents which could only be very uncomfortable for the patient.

4. Stay Hydrated

You need to ensure that the skin has adequate moisture to reduce dryness. Be sure to use moisturizers on your skin. Use humidifiers in your home. Drink losts of water.

These are some of the most common ways how to get rid of psoriasis however, the condition is basically untreatable. Psoriasis is therefore a lifelong condition, but it is manageable. It is just a matter of understanding your symptoms and making sure that you comply with your daily treatments and medications.

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