5 Products to Get Rid of a Toothache Quickly

5 Products to Get Rid of a Toothache Quickly

Toothaches are possibly the worst kind of pain that anyone can bear. They are so painful that they can make you irritable, lose focus and cause headaches, earaches and even changes in your vision. 

Usually toothaches happen when: 

  • you bite into something very hard
  • if you drink something very cold or very hot, 
  • if you're growing a wisdom tooth. 

Try a Dentist

Dealing with toothaches starts with a visit to your dentist. Your dentist will inspect your teeth or aching tooth to find the most appropriate treatment. They may suggest removing the problem tooth, placing a cover over the affected area or treating the gums for infection. These will definitely get rid of the toothache.

But how do you get rid of a toothache if you don't have time to visit your dentist? 

Try Toothache Drops

First, brush the problem area to remove any foreign matter or debris and then place toothache drops on the area. Toothache drops are made from oils with special properties that can soothe aching teeth. 

Use a cotton tip applicator to place a small amount of toothache drops and then allow it to take effect.

Here are the Top 5 Toothache Drops on Amazon.

Red Cross Toothache Complete Medication Kit 0.12 oz


Orajel Maximum Strength Toothache Pain Relief Swabs

Orajel Maximum Strength Toothache Pain Relief Swabs

DenTek - Dental First Aid Kit

DenTek - Dental First Aid Kit - Applicator, Teeth Saver, Tooth Ache Relief

Dr. Sheffield's Oral Pain Relief for Toothache

Dr. Sheffield's Oral Pain Relief for Toothache

Anbesol Maximum Strength Oral Anesthetic Gel

Anbesol Maximum Strength Oral Anesthetic Gel

A funny side note - toothache drops used to contain cocaine!

Cocaine Toothache Drops

Try a Cold Compress

Hold a cold compress or ice pack on your cheek. This method will work especially well when your gums are swollen. 

Gums swell and become very painful due to infections and irritation. The cold will numb the area and help reduce pain and discomfort. You can hold the ice pack over the area as long as you wish or until the pain subsides.

Try Adding Pressure

A quick and easy way to reduce toothache pain is to apply pressure over the area of skin by squeezing it between your index finger and thumb. 

This fold of skin contains numerous nerve endings and pressing on it will help control toothaches and even headaches. Pinch hard on the area for as long as 5 minutes. You can do this as often as you want to reduce pain.

Try Pain Killers

Taking Ibuprofen will help if pain is too intense. Be sure to take it on a full stomach to reduce gastrointestinal side effects. Visit your dentist after the pain subsides or if the pain is not relieved by any of these toothache techniques. 

Toothache Prevention Tips

Maintain strict dental hygiene by brushing twice a day and flossing afterwards. You can significantly reduce the risk of suffering from toothaches if you follow these strategies.

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